"I've got a stage and a mic which i use to say things you wont like"

Bayside is a band in the wrong generation.
That's not really their fault but it is a sad thing. Currently my very general age group is feeling the Kanye West/Fall Out Boy sound which...is nothing like Bayside. But if they had come along when bands like Alkeline Trio, Jawbreaker, Blink 182 and Get Up Kids ruled they would already be the new in band. They would be on world tours, and major labels. They would have massive followings of overly devoted fans.
Instead they are on one of the weaker labels (Victory) and labor under relative anonimity. Their new CD "The Walking Wounded" is selling but it is no Billboard 100. What they do have though, is a very devoted fallowing. A cult in fact.
When I saw them play at the Aggie last week I realized why the fan base refer to themselves as a cult. Its because once you see the band and experience the feeling at the show, a bond with everyone there is formed forever. Their live set is amazing and the energy in the room was fanatical. Everyone knew the words and everyone was singing along. It was a no frills punk rock set that left a strong impressing in me and my friend.
It has been a long time since I walked out of a show with a smile...that night made me remember what drew me to the post punk scene in the fist place.
Currently Bayside is on tour with Straylight Run and they will be hitting a town near you. Also word on the street has it that a new album from them will be out this summer.
Join the cult.
I and I.mp3- Off the new album
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