Really that is all i need to say but i suppose you will be wanting a little more. So lets skip
Mewithoutyou and head straight to everyone favorite post punk art rockers, Thrice.
Thrice came to the stage and lead off with two new songs from their Element themed
EPs which only fulled an already frenzied crowd. The stage banter was low and their set list featured a lot of
Vheissu but also mixed in some of the stuff from Artist in the Ambulance. They played for an hour and change and Jessie Lacey came out and watched from his balcony. It was great and if you get a chance go stream their new album/
EP deal its quite good.
Brand New came on and killed. They started the night with "You wont Know" and did no stage banter. It was an interesting set that did nothing from Your Favorite weapon and a hand full from
Deja. There was however a whole bunch of Devil and God and for the first time in a while Jessie seemed borderline comfortable up there. They played for about an hour and half and were sporting two drummers, which was a bit different.
The most interesting moment came during the encore, where instead of playing a few more songs The band slowly came out one by one and proceeded to jam for about 10 minuets. Then they drew feedback and then finally cut the power.
Said it before and it needs to be said again, you must see Brand New once before you reach 25.
Labels: Brand New, Fork and Knife, Thrice
Thrice's new album... fucking genius.
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