Vick sits in the pocket?

Saw that and thought it was funny.
I have been listening to a band called Get cape. Wear cape. Fly for the last couple days and he has blown my mind.
I know I am behind the curve on all of this, but someone should have told me there was a British Dashboard Confessional guy who also sang about the injustices of sweat shops and other unfair trade practices! That shit is right up my ally.
Get Cape AKA Sam sings with unbridled passion and is definitely one of the most sincere song writers I have heard in a while. The comparisons to punk legends are apt in most ways, but i don't know if I would go that direction completly. After all he is a bit young and a few to many of his songs are about girls for that moniker to be applied. For now I would just label him under good.
Anyways, his new album is due out soon and he recently played SxSw, so i guess I'm a OK in posting about him.
Go to his snazzy new web site and look around. And keep an eye out for him later this year.
Labels: get cape. wear cape. fly
it would appear that the NFL is finally accepting some of it's own as homosexuals ...unfortunately they seem to just be picking players at random to assign the sexuality.
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