Top lists are for chumps

So here are top things that are not lists but did happen in 2007 and could be considered awards.
Top album by a band that broke up this year!
The Blood Brothers-"Young Matches": One of the more talked about albums of by bands no one can define, the BB called it quits this year and this is apparently their final will and testament. I still like "Burn piano island, Burn" but hey, whatever.
Most talked about album that was really not as good as the one before!
Fall Out Boy-Infinity on High: Yeah, its cool you guys worked with Jay-Z and its neat that you save children in your videos, but honestly did you need that back half of the album? Patrick can't sing (it works though, just not when he is solo on a piano).
Album only bloggers and parents of band members loved!
Elvis Perkins-Ash Wednesday: Hey. Listen champ. Its hard for singer song writers to make it in this hip hop world. And you got some great reviews from Rolling Stone and the like, but you are moody as hell. And there can only be so many Ryan Adams-es in the world, go join Jason Collet and Matt Nathanson in the corner.
Best music related quote! (friend category)
Chris Lane- "The summer is to pop punk, as hoes and bling are to hip hop"
Best album that will make sure you are no longer my secret band!
Say Anything-In Defense of the Genre: Go buy it. You will dance and you will quote and you will have the best time $12 can buy you.
Well that does it for the 2007 awards ceremony here at KSNO. If you haven't been sufficiently satisfied go read any other blog on the net. If you want any of this music...well then you should have been reading longer because i posted on all of it before.
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