That over there is Lindsy
Lohan...drink it in.
I got the new modest mouse a few days ago and its pretty darn good over all.
If you haven't heard yet The Smiths wayward son
Johnny Marr has found a home with MM and his not so signature guitar is pretty evident in the band. This is not to say that he is a poor player, it is more a commentary on the fact that his once innovative guitar is now pretty common place. Either way his presence neither added nor detracted for me.
Over all i thought the album picked up from where good news left off and does a fine job as a fallow up album, even if its a bit disjointed in someways. For now its a great album and i think if my expectations were lower it would be just right.
Spitting Venom.mp3
Buy some of their stuff
In other news, Shirts for a Cure is hosting a free show in SxSw featuring Against Me! and Circa Survive and Bane. That show should be real chill and all you have to do is RSVP to info@photofinishrecords.com with your name and emial for consideration. If i was going to be down there i would certainly do it.
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