I just saw a bunch of things on TV I didn't know existed, but now desperately need

I was in the market for a few new T-shirts yesterday and my friend pointed me to a few locations I'm sure all of you would love to learn about.
The first is threadless.com which is a store frequented by the cast of Scrubs, many bands (A Change of Pace, Driving in silence) and some of the hipest kids at your school.
The designs come from people like you and me and are voted on by the guests who visit the site. Which ever T-shirts get the most votes are printed up and made available for purchase. I just ordered two, so i will tell you how they work out for me.
The other site that I frequent for T shirts is called fullbleed.org and it is run by a guy who originally did work for bands but soon moved on to his own side project type thing, making conceptual shirts for all to enjoy. His shirts and posters are always interesting and surprisingly cheep compared to some of the other sites out there.
I do not get anything out of recommending these artists, i only write about them here to make sure that they stay in business. Cool things need to be talked about to be kept around.
and we all know...
Art is Hard.mp3 -Cursive
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