"I'm Not There"

If you haven't been watching this story the film will feature a couple big names portraying Dylan at different times of his life in different situations. The problem arises when I look over the casting.
The first name that made me do a double take was Cate Blanchett. While you may know her as the reporter from "The Life Aquatic" or from her break out roll in "The Tallented Mr. Ripley" what really struck me was her casting as an apparently "Don't Look Back" era Dylan. From the screen shots it looks like it may have worked but you have to admit, its a bold move.
The Next name that jumped out at me was that of Christian Bale AKA Batman! Yes, Christian was great in "The Prestige." But honestly, every time he is on screen the first thing I'm going to think is "TO THE BATMOBILE ROBIN!" I just cant see him getting up there and doing it right, then again he does have that brooding look about him.
Other then those two the cast looks cool plus the trailer and clips are neat. The clip features Karmasparesnone fav. David Cross so don't miss that.
Really you can't go wrong with a Dylan movie. Ask anyone.
Like a Rolling Stone.mp3 -Live in Manchester AKA "The live show where someone yells 'Judas'"
Labels: Bob Dylan, Im not there
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