Greeley gets a Party

The town of Greeley Colorado was descended upon by 30 bands yesterday to mark the first ever "Block Party" on our campus. So while the other Colorado bloggers went south for Monolith I stuck around for some local flavor.
The event was put on by the same kids that make shows happen at the Beetle and it was pretty spectacular. It featured bands like What about Pluto, The Color of Money,
Tickle Me Pink, Whelk, Trailer 77 and Saving Verona. Plus it featured a beer garden and had many street vendors to add to the atmosphere. It was very cool and i counted around 300 people there at one point in the evening. Which is an impressive number for the apathetic campus we have.
Tickle Me Pink, Whelk, Trailer 77 and Saving Verona. Plus it featured a beer garden and had many street vendors to add to the atmosphere. It was very cool and i counted around 300 people there at one point in the evening. Which is an impressive number for the apathetic campus we have.
And while the day light was cool, what really rocked was the after party featuring Greeley's very own Prodigal sons The Axe That Chopped the Cherry Tree.
Crimson Tide was the first we saw and they were metal. I don't think i have seen a man scream so hard with such sustained force in quite some time. The band was pretty sedentary but the crowd took a liking to them and their set was fine.
Next was the band I had waited all night to see, 6afraidof7 . The best way to describe their sound would be: If Queen and The Blood Brothers had a bare fisted brawl in an alley way bar with Every Time I Die Commentating, 6afraidof7 would be the house band.
They tore into their set and though they lacked one of their singers I was still impressed with the energy and intricacy in their songs. Chris was friends with their guitarist and he told me they were working on a new full length so be on the look out for that bad boy. Very cool guys and ill be on the look out for them in the future.
The last band was the Axe and thought most people had gone home the show was still pretty great. They used some black lights and face paint to great effect, and i was genuinely entertained. Their new stuff was a lot of fun and for the most part i was entertained. I would have bought something but I was so low on cash at that point it just wasn't going to happen. Anyways that was my night. Check out all those bands and if you live in the 3oh3 get out and see them where you can.
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