New Tiger Army

Listen to the winds at night You may hear me call your name
I once felt so alone but now I'm home
And I know that there is something... beyond
Tiger Army is one of my all time favorite bands and because they come from my home state of California they get extra props.
If you have never heard their music before its a bit hard to describe but they were one of the pioneers of Psychobilly.
Psychobilly is basically all the swagger and style of Elvis Presley plus the quick rifts and meaning full lyrics of punk rock. The other main component is the use of the stand up base instead of the traditional electric variety. In my opinion it originated in California but I'm definitely not a scholar of the craft by any means do feel free to enlighten me.Tiger Army has been laboring in the background for many years but they are about to put a new album out that i think may put them on the map. After all, when your producer just got done making AFI's wildly popular new album and you just got a top spot on this summer's Warped tour things are bound to go your way.
I like the single, it doesn't stray to far from their roots but i think it will be far more accessible to the main stream audience. But with a fan base as rabid as this you can't really go wrong...right?
Live show- "Rose in the Devils Garden"
New single-After world.mp3
Old single- Ghost Fire.mp3
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