The summer sends its love...

Dusk And Summer.mp3 -Dashboard Confessional
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!"
Dusk And Summer.mp3 -Dashboard Confessional
Labels: Death Cab for Cutie
But then a very unreasonable man and personal hero of mine chose to step up and make sure that we do not have a coronation but instead have a real debate and race on issues that are being talked about one dimensionally. Nader is in, and the Lone Ranger, as he was once called, rides again.
Predictably the Democrats both came out and said he will hurt their chances of winning. To quote a band frequently feature on this site..."odd how people shake...."
Undoubtedly in the next few weeks we will here much talk of Nader giving the election to Bush, and how his entrance is an attempt by a senile old man to gain back ground. He will be portrayed as old, crotchety and stuck in his ideas. No mention of his deeds as a consumer advocate. No mention of his strong convictions and unflinching principles and no mention of how Kerry ran a shitty campaign and blamed Nader for it. No mention of the DNC black balling him by keeping him out of debates and hopefully out of the public eye. And no mention that if the Democrats don't win on a landslide this year...they have only themselves to blame.
Think about this when casting your votes:
The democrats continue to be a watered down version of the republicans. Nader is the way to a third party, also known as real change. He has a "with us or against us" attitude because the two majors are against him and all he stands for. If he should win, the power system both parties have spent time setting up with corporate America will go down the drain.
To find out more about him, the smear campaign, and why he acts the way he does I suggest the very fine documetary: An Unreasonable man
Watch the Right.mp3-Anti Flag
Labels: politics
Join the cult.
Labels: Bayside
Fact, this is not the be all end all. Its just the closest we come to having a national we should...
The Empty Pilot=
Milton Melvin Croissant III=
Sean Prahinski=
Casey Banker=
Ill see you at the show!