The EP For My Life

I'm dying to know
do you do you like dreaming of things
so impossible or only the practical
or ever the wild or waiting through all your bad bad days
just to end them with someone you care about
and do you like making out
and long drives and brown eyes
and guys that just don't quite fit in
yeah do you like them
So yes, I'll see you there.
Dashboard has always been one of my favorite bands since I first heard "Vindicated" on my friends stereo. From there I tracked them back to this EP which fit my freshmen year of college so perfectly it was scary. Never had I felt so connected to a piece of music.
The EP is one continuous story spanning four songs and outlining a relationship Carrabba had when he was just 16. The songs are at once touching and beautiful crafted. I connected to it almost instantly and with all my heart. There was a time when Carrabba wanted to do all four of these songs in a row for shows, but logistically it didn't work because of pacing and the tradition of having "Hands Down" as the closer. Also, I think the deep emotional attachment he has with his material was a problem...every show is an emotional fix for him, and there is a point when the fix isn't worth the pain.
While he has gotten bigger then i could have imagined, I do not hold it against him...I am happy I had my time with him and that he is getting to sing to ever bigger crowds. This album helped me a lot and if you do not have it i suggest getting it any way possible.
So Impossible.mp3- Unplugged
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