
Their was an odd feeling in the air as a few zealots who were quite familiar with Dan's work mixed with the regular booze and show crowd that the high dive seems to attract. But it was a Thursday night, so to be picky about the crowd would be a bit preposterous.
After a few preliminary acts, the Video Hippos took the stage and put on a different type of show then I had seen in person. In addition to their catchy riffs (think White Stripes meets your Sega Genesis) they had a sicker then shit video show that went along with their music. The effect was quit hypnotizing and it definitely got my toe tapping. I was so pleased by them I snagged a T-shirt in a neat light blue color (Go to their myspace for some free songs and such)
Once their set changed there was a quick shift and Dan's table of wounder was put into place.
The thing had 4 different light sources and about a million different looping pedals and such. It had definitely been used hard, but it was still one of the coolest rigs I had ever seen. Full of colored duck tape and switches, it was an A.D.D kids dream.
Amazingly Dan set up shop right in front of me and Luke, hence the sick pictures above. His set was full of his patented witty dialog and the stories he told would have left even the greatest poets of our time reaching for words. And then, from the minuet he hit the opening notes of "Okie Dokie" the audience broke into rapid hip and arm movement coming reluctantly to a halt only when Dan was forced to stop for water and air
There wasnt a face in the joint without a smile.
Something about Dan's inate showmanship and weirdly danceable music makes for some of the best times at a show I have ever had. There is no point pondering it any more.
All I want to do now is dance to it.
video of Dan at SxSw
Okie Dokie.mp3
more pictures of thethe show