"and then im just like: 'hey man...where is the chase...and how...do i cut to it?'"
Labels: Amy Winehouse, random
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!"
Labels: Amy Winehouse, random
Labels: two gallants
Labels: two gallants
Stronger (Kanye West Cover).mp3
P.S- it is as bad as it sounds
Labels: 30 seconds to mars, cover, Kanye West
"The late Black Panther Party Minister of Information, Eldridge Cleaver,
used to say that when fascism comes to America, it won't wear the swastika
armband, or dress in the flared riding trousers of the Nazi S.S.; He said
fascism in the U.S. would be 'yankee doodle fascism,' waving red, white and blue
flags, and boasts of patriotism."
Labels: Mumia Abu-Jamal
Labels: Bishop Allen, SCP
...My Nine Rides Shotgun.mp3-Brand New
Whats the point of an over hyped award show that has no real way of delineating when a video or artist can qualify? I watched some of this thing tonight and it was complete horse shit.
How the hell does Gym Class Heroes qualify for best new artist? They have had two albums and their first single was a re-do of a song on their first album (P.S I love them to death, just makin a point). And Since when did "Hey their Delila" become the hot hit of the summer? Correct me if I'm wrong but that shit is a re-release from about a year ago.
Also why the hell does Hip-hop win everything? WTF? As i watch the nominees roll by I mentally tag anything that has Jay-Z or Beyonce in it because I know that's who is going to win. I don't even really watch the other names. Bands like Justice that made really cool videos get jacked while that "umbrella" song gets way over hyped.
At least Kanye looked good, and Sara Silverman was pretty great. I just wish it was a better indicator of our scene. But really what it is, is a chance for all the 13 year old suburban girls to watch 50 cent and Justin dance around and collect statues.
Ah well...
William Elliott Whitmore's When Push Comes To Love.mp3 the anti VMA track of the night.
Labels: Justice, Kanye West, VMA, William Elliott Whitmore
Labels: Dustin Kensrue, Thrice
If you haven't been watching this story the film will feature a couple big names portraying Dylan at different times of his life in different situations. The problem arises when I look over the casting.
The first name that made me do a double take was Cate Blanchett. While you may know her as the reporter from "The Life Aquatic" or from her break out roll in "The Tallented Mr. Ripley" what really struck me was her casting as an apparently "Don't Look Back" era Dylan. From the screen shots it looks like it may have worked but you have to admit, its a bold move.
The Next name that jumped out at me was that of Christian Bale AKA Batman! Yes, Christian was great in "The Prestige." But honestly, every time he is on screen the first thing I'm going to think is "TO THE BATMOBILE ROBIN!" I just cant see him getting up there and doing it right, then again he does have that brooding look about him.
Other then those two the cast looks cool plus the trailer and clips are neat. The clip features Karmasparesnone fav. David Cross so don't miss that.
Really you can't go wrong with a Dylan movie. Ask anyone.
Like a Rolling Stone.mp3 -Live in Manchester AKA "The live show where someone yells 'Judas'"
Labels: Bob Dylan, Im not there