your scene sucks

"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!"
Buddy Holly not only influenced a generation of teen'ie bopers but he has also become a cultural reference point for many of the EMO fore runners, namely Rivers Cuomo who immortalized him in one of the most popular Weezer songs of all time.
The early story telling aspect and catchy rhythms are what put Buddy on the map and to this day there are few in the business as skilled over all as he was. His horned rimmed glasses are still popular and can be seen in most coffee shops across America.
Unfortunately he was taken from us to early and we are left with a career that while brilliant was significantly shortened. If you for some reason haven't heard of him before you really need to get out there and listen to his stuff.
Labels: The Thermals
Little Red Corvette.mp3 -Prince
I'm dying to know
do you do you like dreaming of things
so impossible or only the practical
or ever the wild or waiting through all your bad bad days
just to end them with someone you care about
and do you like making out
and long drives and brown eyes
and guys that just don't quite fit in
yeah do you like them
So yes, I'll see you there.
Dashboard has always been one of my favorite bands since I first heard "Vindicated" on my friends stereo. From there I tracked them back to this EP which fit my freshmen year of college so perfectly it was scary. Never had I felt so connected to a piece of music.
The EP is one continuous story spanning four songs and outlining a relationship Carrabba had when he was just 16. The songs are at once touching and beautiful crafted. I connected to it almost instantly and with all my heart. There was a time when Carrabba wanted to do all four of these songs in a row for shows, but logistically it didn't work because of pacing and the tradition of having "Hands Down" as the closer. Also, I think the deep emotional attachment he has with his material was a problem...every show is an emotional fix for him, and there is a point when the fix isn't worth the pain.
While he has gotten bigger then i could have imagined, I do not hold it against him...I am happy I had my time with him and that he is getting to sing to ever bigger crowds. This album helped me a lot and if you do not have it i suggest getting it any way possible.
So Impossible.mp3- Unplugged
Labels: Hip hair cuts, Labels, Loose Jeans
Paris Hilton did something....something....I cant think straight...
My Kats just don't want to win this year if they can help it...
Arms of Orion leaked their new album themselves? yeah i thought it was weird but its a great album. Read the blog on it...
I fought the Law, and The Law Won.mp3- Joe Strummer Live
UnderOath on the other hand killed as expected. I had seen them twice before and was still unable to describe the experience to my friends pre show...something about the combination of energy and showmanship makes it one of the best shows i have ever seen. They took the stage in dramatic fashion and went right to it, playing like they were the headliners. Aaron Gillespie and crew hit hard with "In Regards to my Self" and continued on with a set that clocked in around the hour 15 mark. It was an interesting set from them, as they did not do any of their "singles" or very old material, but the set was instead populated by B sides and new favorites. All in all i was contented and got a sick shirt to commemorate my first indoor experience with them.
Taking Back took the stage in a pretty timely fashion and were as thrilling as i had hoped. I had heard many storys about Lazzara's antics on stage, and none of this was over hyped. He is incomplete control of crowd from beginning to end and with every move I was reminded of a young Mick Jagger. Although the best line he had all night was when a fan asked him to kidnap her...hence the title of the post. Classic stuff, if he really talks like that i want to be his friend desperately....
My only knock on their set was the lack of "Tell all Your Friends" material. I understand that two of the members from that group are gone now, but did you really have to cut out "their is no I in team" and ""Timeberwolves at new Jersey"? I was happy with it none the less and it was a good show over all, i just wish i had seen the original line up back in the day...ah well...
TBS has always been one of my favorite bands, and ill never forget how I got that first album of theirs. I, and all my naivete, had heard about a band that was supposed to change the world with their new album "Tell all your Friends." This new band was loud, fast and had a crazy lead singer that everyone and their mom was talking about.
As far as i can figure out this guy takes old wood carvings and adds other parts and captions to them to make a daily comic, and the humor is so smart and so odd.
Me and my roommate have been quoiting them for a while now and there is a face book group that is pretty much the coolest thing ever. Go hit that up.
Margie's is having a show this Thursday at 6:30 for everyone in the Greeley area, apparently my friends at UNC radio are putting it on, so go out an support that. Ill be in Denver for TBS but im sure it will be a great show.
Hey Jude.mp3 - (live) Tom Jones courtesy of "Ape shall never Kill Ape"
Washington.mp3 - The midnight Society (guitar player for Gym Class heroes)